Gensou Suikoden IV Limited Edition


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Tanggal rilis: 2004/08/19
Platform: Sony Playstation 2
Developer: Konami
Jumlah disc: 1
Perkiraan tiba di alamat pemesan: 2 hari

– Region Japan.
– Second hand.
– Kondisi box 80%.
– DVD dan manual dalam keadaan baik.
– Set: Gensou Suikoden IV PlayStation 2 game disc, Character Illustration & Artbook, Lumines Key Holder.

Suikoden IV is a prequel to the entire series. The events of the game take place a hundred and fifty years before those of the first game, and the region of the Suikoden universe they occur in are the islands south of Toran. The game retains many classic features of the series: the ability to recruit 108 characters (Stars of Destiny); building and customization of army headquarters (this time a large ship instead of a castle); emphasis on political issues in the story; the ability to equip runes of various kinds in combat that allow the usage of magic spells, etc. Suikoden IV begins its tale with a training session where the Hero and his best friend Snowe Vingerhut face off against their Commander and Vice Commander, Glen and Katarina respectively, out at sea. After the training concludes, the Hero and his fellow knight trainees head home to Razril, where they are to be pronounced full-fledged Gaien knights.

Suikoden IV retains many of the gameplay concepts pioneered by its predecessors along with changes. It is the first game in the Suikoden series to feature voice acting for most characters, except the hero. Suikoden IV is the first game of the series to be set at sea; travel on the world map is accomplished by ship. In contrast to Suikoden III, where the six person party was divided into three controllable groups, Suikoden IV’s party consists of four individually controllable characters. During combat, characters can combine effort in the form of physical “Unite attacks” or runic magic combinations. As with previous games in the series, there are individual battles (duels) as well as battles between customizable naval forces. The naval forces can be customized to use particular runic elements through choice of captains and commanding officers; each element has a weakness and strength over another element. There are several mini-games contained within the game, unrelated to the main storyline. On the first play through the game, only a fraction of the world map is viewable, a feature not seen before in a Suikoden Game.

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Weight 1 kg


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