Lucky Star: Ryouou Gakuen Outousai DX Pack


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Tanggal rilis: 2008/01/24
Platform: Sony Playstation 2
Developer: Kadokawa Shouten
Jumlah disc: 1
Perkiraan tiba di alamat pemesan: 2 hari

– Region Japan.
– New sealed.
– Set: Ryouou Gakuen School-Designated Sailor Uniform, Ryouou Gakuen School-Designated School Badge, Ryouou Gakuen School-Designated Nameplate, Kasukabe to Akihabara Commuter Pass Holder, Lucky☆Star Collection Poster, DVD Game.

Lucky Star: Ryouou Gakuen Outousai is a visual novel adventure game based on the Lucky Star manga and anime series. Character art is more comic-style, while the gameplay is that of a typical visual novel, consisting of on-screen dialogue text with character still over background images. The game contains various unlockable bonuses accessible via main menu, such as CG gallery, music player, and more.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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