Mario Golf 64


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Tanggal rilis: 1999/05/11
Platform: Nintendo 64
Developer: Nintendo
Perkiraan tiba di alamat pemesan: 2 hari

– Region Japan.
– Second hand.
– Kondisi box 80%.
– Cartridge dan manual dalam kondisi baik

Mario Golf 64 features an all-star line up of 10 golfers from Nintendo’s cast of video game celebrities, including Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach. Each golfer has an individual set of strengths and weaknesses. A highlight of Mario Golf 64 is a special “Time Attack Mode,” where players must compete to finish a round of golf as quickly as possible. Mario Golf 64 features an impressive line-up of six courses, which means you’ll have to master a total of 108 holes. An optional “Club Handicap Mode” ensures that you stay close to the competition, so Luigi won’t get too frustrated if he falls behind. Even though the golfers are cartoons, the physics are as realistic as possible. The CPU calculates the exact ball movement based on wind direction, the strength of the strike, and any spin you may choose to place on the ball.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg


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