Motorstorm II


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Tanggal rilis: 2008/11/20
Platform: Sony Playstation 3
Developer: Sony Computer Entertainment, Evolution Studios Ltd.
Jumlah disc: 1
Perkiraan tiba di alamat pemesan: 2 hari

– Region: 2 Japan
– Second hand.
– Language: English
– Subtitle: Japanese
– Kondisi box 80%.
– CD dan manual dalam keadaan baik.

Also known as “MotorStorm: Pacific Rift”, is the sequel to the PlayStation 3 exclusive and launch title racing game MotorStorm. Set on and around a volcanic, tropical island in the South Pacific, players continue the style of the first game, riding a varied mix of vehicles from Bikes and ATVs through Rally Cars and Trucks up to Big Rigs and, in a new addition to the series, Monster Trucks. These are able to drive over other cars, destroy vegetation and damage structures. Some abilities have been enhanced, for instance bikers can now duck or hop over obstacles. Like its predecessor, the tracks are unconventional and contain multiple routes, not all of them suitable.

The tracks will wear down through consecutive laps and this affects the vehicles’ behaviour. Smaller vehicles also suffer resistance from vegetation, while the bigger rigs can plough straight through. Areas with water cause the engine to cool down, affecting the behaviour as well. The game can be played split-screen with up to four players. The game also had online multiplayer modes but the game’s online servers were closed down on 1 October 2012.

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Weight 0.15 kg


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