Romancing Saga 3


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Tanggal rilis: 1995/11/11
Platform: Super Famicom
Developer: Square
Perkiraan tiba di alamat pemesan: 2 hari

– Region Japan.
– Second hand.
– Kondisi box 80%.
– Cartridge dan manual dalam kondisi baik.

The gameplay is similar to other console RPGs of the era, but with several notable differences. For example, instead of ‘level ups’, character stats increase individually depending on their participation in a battle. Also, a character has a certain amount of ‘LP’, which decreases when the character’s HP is reduced below zero or when they are hit while their HP remains at zero. If the LP of a character is zero, they are removed from the party, but they can be recruited again with the exception of the main character of the current game, once the main character reaches zero LP, it results in an automatic game over.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg


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